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Event Type: Arts, Culture & HistoryChristmasChristmas CraftsChristmas Delightful DiningChristmas Hometown HappeningsChristmas Merry MusicChristmas Santa SightingsChristmas Seasonal ShoppingEntertainmentFeaturedHolidaysKids & FamilyMeetings & ExhibitsNoneSippingSpecial Events & FestivalsSports, Fitness & OutdoorsWorkshops & Learning
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Associated Business? -- None -- 1767 Chowan County Courthouse 1886 Roanoke River Lighthouse 2 Souls Wine Bar 3 Amigos Albatross at The Pines Albemarle Family YMCA Albemarle Fishing Charters Albemarle Lanes Bowling Center All That Glitters Jewelry All The Things Allecious Restaurant Andy's Pancake & Steakhouse Anew U Day Spa APEX Event Center Arts of the Albemarle - The Center Bam's Best Bites Barley Pizza Bella's Creations Bennett’s Millpond Berri-Licious Frozen Yogurt Bar Big Boss Burritos Big Daddy's Pizza Bijoux Vibes Bistro at The Pines Blue Ruby at Grice-Fearing House Bed & Breakfast Boardwalk Interpretive Trail in Columbia Bob Martin Eastern Agricultural Center Body Kinect Wellness Center Brackwater Brush Studio Brothers Farm Market Burnim Fine Arts Center at ECSU C & H Oyster Bar Camden County Camden County Heritage Museum Carolina Carriages Charles Creek Park Chateau Blessings Chief Petty Officers Association Club Children's Museum of Virginia Chowan Arts Council and Gallery Shop Chowan River Fishing Pier Christine Henninger Fine Pottery Chrysler Museum Circle II Restaurant Circle S Stables City Cue's (Billards) City Grille Civil War Trails Coast Guard Park Coastal Carolina Cannabis Center Coastal Purl Coasters Downtown College of the Albemarle College of the Albemarle Fenwick-Hollowell Wetlands Trail College of the Albemarle Performing Arts Center College Park and Boat Ramp Colonial Café Colonial Cues Colored Community Library Museum in Portsmouth Comfort Inn Content Commanders Copper Canyon Soap Company Coppersmith Antiques & Auction Company Cosmopolitan Club Bingo Cozy Carolina Boutique Cupola House Currituck BBQ in Elizabeth City Currituck Beach Lighthouse Currituck County Cycle Gallery & Fitness Cypress Creek Grill D.A.G. Clothing Danielle's Boutique David Jordan Therapeutic Massage Days Inn Deadwood in Williamston Dice Goblins Dillard’s Millpond Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center Dismal Swamp State Park Dixieland Speedway DJ Taz-2 Productions Dockside Elizabeth City Double T Farms Dragon Buffet EC Designs NC Eclectic Jewelry Designs Econo Lodge ECSU Roebuck Stadium Edenton Bay Cruises aboard the “Liber-Tea” Edenton Cotton Mill Museum of History Edenton Museum Trail Edenton National Fish Hatchery Edenton Town Harbor El Parian Mexican Restaurant Electric Garden Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce Elizabeth City Aviation Trail Elizabeth City Bed & Breakfast Elizabeth City Bridge Schedule Elizabeth City Civil War Trail Markers Tour Elizabeth City Historic Neighborhood Association (ECHNA) Salvage Store Elizabeth City Med Spa Elizabeth City Motocross Elizabeth City Pizza Co. Elizabeth City Regional Airport Elizabeth City Shriner's Club Elizabeth City State Teacher's College Tour Elizabeth City State University Elizabeth City State University Floyd L. Robinson Auditorium Elizabeth City State University Khan Planetarium Elizabeth Street Tennis Courts Encore Theatre Company Enfield Recreation Area Enterprise Rent-A-Car Entrepreneur Resources Business Support Center Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Fishing with Mike Flour Girls Cafe & Bakery Foreman House Bed & Breakfast Full Nest Farms, LLC Fun Junktion Park G & T’s Soul Food G.I.G. Tours and Charter George M. Wood Memorial Park Ghost Harbor Brewing Company Glimmer Beauty Lounge Godfrey's Photography & Video Grave Digger Groupers Waterfront Restaurant H2OBX Waterpark Hampton Inn Hampton Roads Naval Museum Harbor Pharmacy Harriett Jacobs Tour Hendrix Park & Cannon’s Ferry River Walk Hermitage Museum & Gardens Hibbett Sports Historic Edenton Historic Hope Plantation Historic River City Lodge Holley-Fonville Greek & Photography Homestyle Bakery & Café Hoppin' Johnz New South Cuisine In & Out Cafe In Stitches Itza Boutza Pizza J'Mellee's Jamaican Restaurant & Daiquiri Lounge Jade Whale Co. Jamestown Settlement Jeffrey's Greenworld & Florist Jennette's Pier Jennings & Jones Bargain Outlet Jockey's Ridge State Park John Peel Pottery Juniper Cocktail Bar K.E. White Graduate Center Karma Blue Market Kathy's Kreations Cafe & Catering Kenyon Bailey Shopping Center Kin'Folk Axe Kitchen Kuriosities Knobbs Creek Par 3 Golf Course Knobbs Creek Park Kristen Caputo Weddings & Events La Michoacana Jalisco La Tiendita Mexican Restaurant Lamb's Marina & Market Latitude 36 Lazzy Frog Legacy Coach Livermon Park & Mini-Zoo Liza Franco Photography & Graphic Design M&M Shuttle Main Street Commercial District Tour Main Street Residential District Tour Main Street Tea House Mariners' Wharf Maritime Underground Railroad Meads Pool Meadstown Produce Merchants Millpond State Park Merle Norman Cosmetics Mi Cancun Mid-Atlantic Christian University Mildred's Florist & Gifts Montero's Restaurant Morris Farm Market Moto Town Playground Muddy Waters Coffeehouse Museum of the Albemarle Museum of the Albemarle Gift Shop Mustang Cafe at Alligood Commons My Corner Butcher Nauticus Museum Newbold-White House Norfolk Botanical Garden Norfolk Helicopter Tours Norfolk Self-Guided Tours Norfolk Southern Museum North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island North River Game Land Northeastern Park Nu-Quality Ice Cream Ocean Breeze Waterpark Ocean Tanning Old Oak Grove Cemetery One12 Images Outer Banks Visitors Bureau Paddling Our Waterways Paddling Trails in Edenton Pasquotank River Yacht Club Pasquotank Ruritans Club Perquimans Art League Pettigrew State Park PGF Archery and Outdoors Phyllis' Beauty World Pine & Porch, Inc. Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge Poor Boys Farmers Market Port Discover Port O' Plymouth Museum Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Museum Posh Tots Boutique Premier Visions Priscilla's Designs Proof aka Paradiso Quality Inn Quality Seafood Restaurant Queen Elizabeth Motel Quilt Trails in Williamston R/C Albemarle Movies 8 Railroad Museum of Virginia RCE Theater Richardson Pool Glover House Bed & Breakfast River City Biergarten River City Community Sailing River City Flea Market River City Skippers River City Trade River Road Sports Complex Rivershore Outfitters Riverside Boat Works / Elizabeth City Shipyard Roanoke Island’s Freedom Trail Rock Paper Scissors Salon Rock Star Rust Rocky Hock Playhouse SAGOS on the River Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church Salaam's International Cafe Sanctuary Vineyards Sarah Rose Boutique Sawyer's Creek Ramp Seven Sounds Brewing Company Seven Sounds Brewing Company Shape Up - Hair and Nail Salon Shut Up & Listen Records Singer Sewing & Vacuum Center Skateboard Park at Enfield SoHo Organic Market Somerset Place South Park Sports Complex Southern Maid Donuts of Elizabeth City Southgate Park Splash Pad at Enfield Stay Downtown EC Stella's Catering Studio 511 Art & Soul Sunny Cove Boutique SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western The Adventure Park at the Virginia Beach Aquarium The Bistro Burger Bar The Carolina Center at Corporate Drive The Culpepper Inn The Edenton Escape Room The Framery The Grill The Happy Daisy Garden Center The Hill House Museum The Kitchen The Kraken Coffee House The Links at Mulberry Hill The Lodge at Rivershore Outfitters The Lost Colony The Main Street Tea House The Market The Pelican Marina The Penelope Barker House Welcome Center / Edenton Trolley Tour The Pepperberry Inn The Pineapple Café The Pines The Pond House Inn The Recycled Reader The Roanoke River Lighthouse & Maritime Museum The Sandwich Market The Sawmill Park Ramp The Suite Restaurant & Lounge The SweetEasy The Villa The Vintage Lilley Tiffany's Tanning & Hair Salon Tony's Italian Restaurant & Pizza Tooley’s Tavern at the Boathouse TopSide Catering Totally Thai Town of Hertford Toyama Japanese and Sushi Bar Travelers Inn True Images Salon Twisted Willow Farms Underground Railroad - Network to Freedom Van's Pizza House Veterans of Foreign Wars Vineyards on the Scuppernong Virginia Beach Aquarium & Marine Science Center Virginia Civil War Trails Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art Virginia Zoo in Norfolk Visit Elizabeth City Welcome Center Volcano Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar Water's Edge Boutique Waterfront Park Weeksville Boardwalk Weeping Radish Wendy’s Holistic Traveling Massage Whalehead Whistling Pines Motel Willow Tree Medicine Wright Brothers National Memorial
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City: Barco Camden Camden County Charlotte Chesapeake Columbia Corolla Creswell Edenton Elizabeth City Gatesville Grandy Hertford Jarvisburg Kill Devil Hills Malcolm King Manteo Moyock Nags Head Newport News Norfolk Plymouth Poplar Branch Portsmouth Powells Point Shawboro Shiloh South Mills Virginia Beach Williamsburg Williamston Windor Windsor
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